This particular chair was a bit dirty, and had a torn-up arm, but it was in otherwise great shape.

You can see how this particular chair is "layered". One layer of cotton, a foam, and another layer of cotton.

The original label:
It's hard to make out, but it reads: Meuble de distinction Centrac Fine Furniture, Toronto, Ontario.

Here is a typical "straight back" on an otherwise nice and curvy back frame. Scroll down to see how we treat the backs on this style of chair.

The original plan for this chair was much different. Originally our client wanted a large print black and white houndstooth, with the legs refinished in black. Something along the lines of this:

We weren't able to find any prints large enough from any of our suppliers, except for ONE, but it was 307$ per yard (YIKES!) and it was also discontinued. Instead, she looked at some other sample books, and decided on a nice green and teal paisley, and to go blonde with the legs.
As I was taking the panels off the chair, one of the original pull-straps had a selvage stamped with 1980, which gives us an approximate date for the chair.

Since one arm was shredded, both would need to be redone so that they match (feel/firmness, etc). Here is the new cotton and foam.

Followed by more cotton, and then a thin layer of Terylene.

Deck, inside arms, and inside wings done.

Outside wings, and inside back done.

And here's the finished chair. It turned out really well. I love the combination of blue-green with the blonde (refinished) legs. The seat foam was also replaced.

Here's the beautiful back, which now follows the curved edges of the frame. A little bit more work, but a lot nicer.